May Retreat

New courses begin on February 25,26,27 & 28 2025 depending on your chosen day.

These courses will be 7 weeks long so £70 for the whole course upfront. £12 per session drop-in fees.

Contact details for booking below.


01453 791484         07814 341092

Crossed legged sitting
Carol Maguire Yoga

Day Retreat at Stroud Brewery 

Sunday May 22nd 2022 10am - 5pm

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Screenshot 2022-03-19 at 18.17.57
Screenshot 2022-03-19 at 18.19.21
Screenshot 2022-03-19 at 18.17.24

 The cost for the day will £85 to include a vegetarian/vegan Buffet Lunch ( all dietary requirements can be catered for). 

Stroud Brewery also sell soft drinks, coffee, teas and delicious cakes (as well as beer!) for our coffee and tea breaks, but bring your purse as these extras will be at your expense!

The outline schedule for the day will be:

Yoga 10 -11am

Coffee break: 11-11.30am

Yoga Dance 11.30 - 1pm

Buffet Lunch 1-2 pm

Breathing and meditation 2 - 2.30

Yoga 2.30 - 3.30 pm

Tea break 3.30 - 4pm

Yoga Dance revisit 4 - 4.15 pm

Yoga Nidra 4.15 - 4.45 pm

Goodbyes and feedback 4.45 - 5 pm

The Yoga Dance is very similar to the flowing sequences we do in our yoga classes but simply attempting to choreograph flowing yoga moves to a short piece of music, not to be taken too seriously and usually a good giggle! It needs a little stamina because of the repetitions when practicing but, as always, you can take it at your own pace.

Yoga Nidra , also known as yogic sleep—is a guided meditation and conscious relaxation practice that is intended to induce total physical, mental, and emotional relaxation.